Perfect Apology Monogram

Apology Letter to Sal

by Sandra

Dear Sal, AKA (Babe, chiquito, Daddy, Ma sexy beast, Mi Papi)... I feel so terrible and don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start with how I ended up on this website; last night after we said our goodbyes it killed me--bad really bad. I had two breakdowns back to back and I'm not just telling you this to make you feel bad but just trying to paint a clear picture of my uncontrollable feelings for you.

Anyway I couldn't sleep last nite... I tossed and turned and cried so much that my eyes are super puffy. Well I got up and started looking up quotes so I can express how messed up I felt for the way I have been behaving especially with you.

Babe I am so sorry I hurt you, it's killing me inside just knowing how badly I made you hurt. Trust me if you would've told me that you loved me as soon as you started feeling it I would have done the impossible to guard you with all my love.

Baby I'm truly sorry for everything stupid that I have done to hurt you. I'm sorry my love I'm so so so so so sorry baby and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

What I would give just to go back in time to change everything! Omg it hurts so bad I need you in my life chiquito.

You are my life, my love, my everything. No one else matters to me baby just you; you are what my heart desires please give me one more chance to love you like you've never been loved before.

My love I promise I will never again hurt you. Your all I think about I can't function without you by my side. Baby the love we have for each other is real and pure that's why everyone is hating on us and they are doing their best. But f*ck that babe lets show them what love really is. It's what we have.

Please open up to me baby take me back and give me the opportunity to love you once again. Baby you are so wonderful, caring and loving. You and my kids are all I have. You have done so much for me that I just want to thank you like crazy everyday.

You have been truly amazing you're the only one who can actually talk some sense into me. I can be super depressed, like straight out just wanting to die that very minute and as soon as I hear your voice everything negative turns positive. Your voice heals my heart and puts it at peace. It's like your voice is music to my heart and soul.

My love, mi chiquito por lo que más quires dejame amarte te prometo que jamás te vellebo a lastimarte saul te amo con todas mi fuerzas. Se me parte el alma nomas sabré que estas con otra.

Ok I'm going to post this letter and I hope and pray to God that it's not too late and that it gets to you.

Saul eres mi vida mi amor te amor como loca y pase lo que pase simpire tu serás el duino de mi Corazon

Loving you always... Sandra

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