Perfect Apology Monogram

An Apology Letter to Adam

by Alessia

Truthfully putting this into words... I'm sorry. I really am. from the bottom of my heart. I'm extremely sorry. I did something that hurt you and I shouldn't have because I was insecure. I didn’t mean to hurt you it was out of my own insecurities. It was nothing towards you and I’d never wanna hurt you intentionally.

You're an amazing guy. and you only deserve the best. I wanna be able to give you happiness, I wanna be able to make you feel special.

I never want to make you feel upset, sad or hurt. You are so amazingly perfect it amazes me that I found you in this big crazy world.

I know this apology is different but I want you to know how sorry I truly am.

I like you so so much and that's never going to change okay?

You and me will move forward and learn from this because that's what we do.

We grow together and we learn from our mistakes and we become stronger. I know that this will make us much stronger together. Overcoming obstacles make couples stronger.

If you truly in believe us we will get through this I promise you we will.

I like you so very much. You make me happy. You make me smile.

Everyone makes mistakes and learns from them, no one is perfect. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Love, Alessia

Another apology, this time from Kay who is also hoping for forgiveness...

My Apology to Luke

Luke, I know I act like a fool half the time and you don't like it when I do. I want you to know that I don't do it to anger you.

I will do anything for you and you know that. I wish that I could be there to witness your emotions and how you feel right now so that I could stay with you, talk it through and say sorry. And, yes, to let you know that I love you very much.

I obviously hurt you, your heart and your soul!

I want you to know that deep down I'm really a nice girl but ever since we first saw each other we've never had time to ourselves to get to know each other properly. And my defenses kick in and I act like a fool to build walls around me. Then, I get lost in not knowing how to reach out.

Bottom line is I want you to know how much I really love you.

I know deep down you know this but your patience is wearing thin and I don't blame you.

I admit I can be rude, nasty, mean and terrible but I never thought about how much that hurts you and other people in my life. I thought it just hurt me emotionally. I thought I was just building walls to protect myself.

I want to change my ways to make me be a better person and a better person for you. I promise to do that for you but more importantly for myself.

I just want you to know that you are the most beautiful, smartest, funniest, toughest, strongest and important person in the world.

I am lost without you Luke, I dream of you all the time, I think of you all the time.

I'm truly sorry about today can you please forgive me?


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