Post An Apology Message
Post an apology message to the Board. Extend a perfect apology to your friends, family and loved ones, or an anonymous apology for something you did recently, or even a long time ago.

Post Your Sorry Message Today!
To post your sorry message to the Apology Board, simply fill in the form below and start telling the world how sorry you are.
No Problem. If you've really messed things up and have an apology of at least 500 words then consider posting to our Apology Letters Section where your apology will get its own dedicated page.
Sometimes it just helps to get things off your chest and practice makes perfect so apologize today!
Keep your apology to yourself or send a note to the recipient with the web address of your apology. Whether they're your spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend, a stranger, a co-worker or even your boss, if you think they deserve an apology then they probably do.
Not ready yet? Visit the Apology Board and get inspired or read some of the longer friends & family apology letters submitted by our readers.