Perfect Apology Monogram

An apology to a dear friend, Andre

Dear Andre...You stumbled upon this original post and whoever is reading this is now seeing a completely different version because you wished to have it removed since you weren't ready to forgive me and have me back as your friend.

I guess there is nothing left for me to do. I'm unable to remove this post completely but I can at least remove my name, the location and the details of what happened to keep things discreet. There are probably millions of people named Andre after all. This is the best I could do, which is to modify the letter as per protocol of the website since removing it entirely is impossible at this point.

Also there is a minimum word count when I contacted the admin and hence I'm forced to make this lengthier than desired... he told me you also tried to contact him to have it taken down. Sorry this post bothered you so much. I guess I realized I wouldn't want the Internet to know what happened either, even if it is tucked away in some obscure website which made me wonder how you found it to begin with... well it's unlikely you'll read this again anyway because of that.

I know I made mistakes. I put too much pressure on our friendship and ruined it. You weren't the first person I had this issue with, but you were the friend who made me realize I have a problem and made me seek help... This Reddit post pretty much describes the problem, though I am not the author.

I guess you know that as an international student I don't live with my parents or my sister. I haven't since I was 12 and I was pretty much on my own. For the most part I was alright. All the problems only started appearing around late 2013 and early 2014. Maybe it's because I reached a certain age.

The things I should be getting from my family... I ended up trying to get from my friends. Because I only see my family for a few weeks every year during the holidays. Hence you could say I was distant from them until recently... that was the reason for my weird behaviour. I'm sorry you had to be subjected to it... I only realized it after going for counselling.

It pains me greatly to have lost your friendship. I am doing better now and I hope all is well with you even though I have no idea what's going on with your life anymore.

I definitely do remember you being a huge fan of Taylor Swift... and there is that new song (as of the moment I'm typing this) which is a duet of her and Zayn... I'd be talking to you about it but then I'm reminded that we aren't on speaking terms after all that has happened.

It does make me feel sad... but I've been seeking counselling to understand my issues, improve on them and I've been doing better since. I hope you can forgive me and understand why I acted the way I did one day (Not trying to justify what I did but yeah...) and hopefully we can reconcile when that happens... but meanwhile I need to move on with my life... thanks for the good times and good memories.

Your former good friend...

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