Perfect Apology Monogram

Forgiveness in a Little While

by E

Dear S.... I wrestled for a long time in deciding whether to send this to you at all. How long has it been since we last spoke or met? 7 months? I think to you it may feel like a long time but for me it has only been a little while. 7 months is far too short a time to forget you. 7 months is far too short a time to forgive and move on. In those 7 months I counted each month as a milestone because I wanted to be a little closer to the day that I no longer had you in my heart.

The end of a relationship is never any one party's fault. I won't make any excuses for my behaviour. I did a lot wrong. I just want to tell you that I'm sorry. I am sorry for my selfish ways.

I know you said you weren't ready for a relationship with anyone, but honestly neither was I, and I forced it and ended up hurting you.

I'm sorry for the mean and hurtful things I said to you and about you.

In the days after we ended, I bad mouthed you to anyone who would listen. I'm sorry.

I could go on and on, but I want to cut that short and ask if you'll forgive me. I know it might be premature to ask that you'll forgive me right away. But sometime in the future I hope you'll find it in your heart to do so.

I have nothing more to offer you except the hope that you've moved on and met someone better now. Maybe our paths will never cross again in this life and the next time we meet will be in eternity.

But whatever happens, God bless and I wish you all the best


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All I'm asking for is forgiveness
by: M.

DJ, I am sorry. I don't have anything else to ask rather than your forgiveness.

I did you wrong. I know I hurt you. And finally I know I've caused you trouble.

But I never meant to hurt you, and hope you will believe that.

I admit my mistakes but I swear I never meant, or purposely tried to make them or hurt you in any way. All I can say is that I am so sorry and that my regret and remorse is sincere.

I truly loved you. I can't tell you that you'll find someone that can love you more than I do because nobody can love you like I do.

I know you can no longer be mine but always know that I will be close to your heart and that you've been loved in a way that was pure and honest.

I don't expect you to forgive me right away but I'm still hoping that you will forgive me one day, and that you live a life full of love.

xo M

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