Perfect Apology Monogram

So Sorry, My First Love

Dear Samantha... I'm truly sorry for hurting you and making you feel like our relationship was a mistake. I'm sorry for making you believe you had no life while you were with me. Controlled from friends. I wanted to protect you from the bad people, at least the people who I felt were bad, whether true or not. I over did it.

I'm sorry I can't bring back the feelings that made us who we were. You are my first love and will always go down in history as being my first love. You have shown me several sides to life that not everybody gets to experience the way I did.

I'm sorry for everyone thinking that I'm crazy and didn't deserve to be with you. My intention was only to continue our relationship, repair it back to full health and discuss our future together.

I truly loved you day in and day out. You fell in love with me and grew tired of who or how I was. You tried to change it but only I could do that. So much has happened since we've broken up.

You don't care for me like you use to. And you hate me as a person. There are things I've said to you that I can't take back. But I do love you. And that will always be true if you ever get curious.

We've had rough times but also some good ones that can't be forgotten no matter how bad the negative got. You're a perfect person. Just not the same person I fell I love with because of me.

If I wasn't right for you in some way, our relationship wouldn't have taken off the way it did. But always I'll love you. And I will think about you. There are so many great things about you that I miss, that I cannot let go of, and will always admire.

I love the way we were. And it's difficult to stop. I love something that's gone and understand that fully. But I keep holding on as long as I can.

The fire is burnt out. It kills my insides to know it's all gone. I tried and tried but I failed you miserably. I disappointed myself. And worst of all, I let you down. Wherever you go, you'll always be great, wonderful, and my first love.

If someone gets what I use to have, my god I hope they treat it right.

I will love you always and forever.

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